Sidovar - #10/16-1
Thanks to Roy Draper
Standing L-R: Chan, Edward N. (N); Sidovar, Nicholas (P); Scriven III (B)
Squatting L-R: Woehlke, Robert A. (TG); Wolff, James R. (RO/WG); Barks, John P. (BTG); Cash, Hugh I. (NG); Nicolaison, Russell N. (E/WG); Mooring, Robert L. (TTG)
Thanks to Roy Draper
Rear L-R: John Barks (BTG); Robert Mooring (TTG); Hugh Cash (NG); Russell Nicolaison (E/WG); Robert Woehlke (TG); James Wolff (RO/WG)
Front L-R: Nicholas Sidovar (P); Malcolm Hunter (CP); Scriven III (B); Ed Chan (N)
AAF# | Type | Group | Sq | Sq# | Nickname |
42-95304 | B-24J | 461 | 766 | 42 | Unknown |
PILOT: 2nd Lt. Nicholas Sidovar, Algha, New Jersey, Single
LAST RADIO CONTACT: 20 minutes after target time. Just south of Bratislava, CZ at 14,300 feet
DOWN: 1415-1500
WHERE: 20 miles SW of Karlovač
Weather, 8/10 cumulus at 16,000 feet
Aircraft hit by fighters just before target. Tried to feather an engine after leaving target and dropped out of formation. 20 minutes after target time 1st Lt. Jay M. Garner contacted Sidovar on "A" channel. Sidovar was trying to contact fighter escort. Sidovar told Garner that the engine would not stay feathered and was vibrating badly. There was also a slight gas leak. Sidovar finally contacted fighters and gave his position as just south of Bratislava, CZ at 14,300 feet. He was holding altitude. Entire crew returned to states.
Thanks to Roy Draper
Cpl. John P. Barks (BG)
Thanks to Roy Draper
Cpl. Hugh I. Cash (NG)
Thanks to Roy Draper
2nd Lt. Hal D. Draper, Jr. (B)
Thanks to Roy Draper
Cpl. Russell N. Nicolaison (E)
Thanks to Roy Draper
Cpl. James R. Wolff (RO)