Robertson - #48
Standing L-R: Gray, Kenneth E.(E/WG); Berry, Bernard L. (E/WG); Manna, Frank C. (BTG); Thomas, Merlyn W. (E/TTG); Bryant, Donald B. (G); Scott, James V. (TG)
Squatting L-R: Robertson, Douglas L. (P); Laulis, James C. (N) (may be Novak); Smith, Paul R. (CP); Jones, James T. (B)
Standing L-R: Merlyn W. Thomas (E/TTG); James W. Piatt (P); Paul R. Smith (CP); James C. Laulis (N); James T. Jones (B)
Kneeling L-R: Kenneth E. Gray (E/WG); Bernard L. Berry (E/WG); Donald B. Bryant (RO/G); Frank C. Manna (BTG); James V. Scott (TG)
James Piatt never deployed and was replaced by Douglas Robertson.