Wilson - #52
Standing L-R: Wilson, Sydney S. (P); Loftus, Joseph W. Jr. (CP) [W/M]; Ross, Harlan P. (N); Whitney, Emil L. (B); Wallace, Irving G. (E/WG)
Kneeling L-R: Fine, Dale V. (TT); Childs, Homer D. (BG); Goldstein, Gerald (RO/WG) [KIA]; Ulrich, Edward G. (NG); McCoy, Clifford A. (TG)
This is from H. P. Ross, Navigator:
This crew was lost in a mid air collision over Bihac Yugoslavia. The first mission of the 461st. The impact of the plane which hit us from below bounced the ball turret into the plane and the ball turret gunner simply rotated the turret and stepped out. The co-pilot opened the hatch above his head in front of top turret and was last seen hanging on to the upper guns. The pilot found he had limp throttle controls but managed to pull the plane out of the dive after which he put on his chute and exited the plane. Nose gunner, Bombardier and Navigator exited nose wheel hatch. All crew members exited before Wilson left the aircraft.
It was a scary affair!