461st plaque

461st Bombardment Group (H)

764th Crews 765th Crews 766th Crews 767th Crews

Ahlberg - #42 Barcus - #123 Barnes - #53 Barnhart - #59 Bauman - #44 Baumann - #46 Bigelow - #54 Bontempo - #1/26 Boyd - #44R Bridges - #5/5 Brothers - #41 Chester - #9/1 Coates - #96- Coleman - #58- Conner - #4/7 Courtney - #50R Curtis - #152 DeSpain - #57-0 Donovan - #45 Dunn - #54-1 Edwards - #40 Ehrlich - #45R Falkner - #8/29 Farnham - #42R Fawcett - #50 Fernsten - #49R Fink - #9/22 Friedersdorf - #8/28 Garner - #50-1 Guyton - #10/8 Hall - #6232 Hatem - #4/16-9 Hesser - #56 Holmes - #47 Hooper - #12/12 Hoskins - #124 Hutchison - #102 Jehli - #42-1 Kassian - #57R1 Kuhlman - 52R LaRock - #1/30 Ledendecker - #4/6 MacDougall - #41 Mahlum - #1/6 Malvin McKee - #154 Merkouris - #49-7 Miller - #10/23 Misius - #56R Moses - #7/25-1 Mowery - #49 Nixon - #42 O'Neal - #10/31 Pearce - #55R Philips - #8/22 Ray - #58-0 Ridenour - #3/3 Roberts - #52R Robertson - #48 Seeman - #43 Settle - #55 Shaw - #43-1 Sidovar - #10/16-1 Simon - #53 Sobieski - #8/22 Sterret - #7/12 Tebbens - #3/12 Thomas - #46R Townsley - #58-2 Trier - #55-1 Vahldieck - #1/30 Vanderhoeven - #50-1 Ward - #53-2 Webb - #6781 Webb - #8/28 Wiemann - #6413 Wilson - #44-1 Wilson - #52 Wood - #51 Wren - #7/23 Wright - #52-1 Yetter - #56R Zive - #59-0

Ahlberg - #42

Ahlberg crew #42 

Standing L-R: Ahlberg, Theodore R. 'Ted' (P); Baker, Henry H. (B); Walsh, John J. Jr. (RO); Kuric, Paul M. (N) [KLOD]; Grano, Ralph H. (CP)

Kneeling L-R: Valencia, Raymon; Burrell, Henry B. 'HB' (E); Belmont, Emanuel F. 'Sperry' (BG); Baker, Edward E. 'Ed' (NG); Beyler, Daniel E. 'Dan' (WG)

Ahlberg crew #42

Standing L-R: Henry B. Burrell; Ralph H. Grano; Theodore R. Ahlberg; Paul M. Kuric; Henry H. Baker

Squatting L-R: Edward E. Baker; Raymond Valencia; Emanuel F. Belmont; Daniel E. Beyler


Courtesy of Tedd Ahlberg

This, I believe, is the plane that my dad was flying from a mission that was very shot-up and only had two engines operating on the same side. He was able to find a fighter field and bring it down.