Courtesy of Dan Robinson
Standing L-R: Capalbo, Frederick B. (P); McLean (CP); Behling, Gordon C. (B); Hamilton, Jeff L., Jr. (N)
Kneeling L-R: Squires, Edgar A. (TTG); Villars, John A. (LWG); Koontz, Roger A. (TG); Hughes, Frederick W. (RWG); Graffeo, Accuraio A. (BTG); McGuire, Richard (NTG)
Capalbo, Frederick B., Pilot
Rundbaken, William C., Co-pilot
Hamilton, Jeff L., Jr., Navigator
Behling, Gordon C., Bombardier
Squires, Edgar A., Top Turret Gunner
Villars, John A., Left Waist Gunner
McGuire, Richard, Nose Turret Gunner
Hughes, Frederick W., Right Waist Gunner
Koontz, Roger A., Tail Gunner
Graffeo, Accuraio A., Ball Turret Gunner
AAF# | Type | Group | Sq | Sq# | Nickname |
42-51319 | B-24J | 461 | 767 | 69 | Unknown |
PILOT: 2nd Lt. Frederick B. Capalbo, Greenwich, CT, Single
MISSIONS: Perhaps 1st, was left waist gunner, John A Villars first. Co-pilot, 2nd Lt. William C. Rundbaken had 33 missions
LAST SIGHTED: 1200, Muglitz Capt Miller's Flight
DOWN: 1200
WHERE: Prevov, CZ Cockery, CZ Preavvie, CZ
#69 left formation 10-15 minutes from IP
#69 was 1,000 yards behind formation when enemy fighters struck. S/Sgt. Robert F. Miller, tail gunner on lead ship, "#69 was attacked by a single FW-190 which succeeded in knocking out number three engine, forcing the ship down toward the undercast." Bomb bays on fire from leaking gasoline. Capalbo handed Rundbaken a screwdriver, so he could loosen throttle stops for more speed. Cpl. John A. Villars was on the flight deck setting the radar interpreter when the fighters attacked. He was mortally wounded or knocked unconscious. Co-pilot Rundbaken, with no oxygen mask and in spite of the flames opened the bomb bay doors. He was badly burned and was overcome by the heat and lack of oxygen. Rundbaken collapsed on the catwalk of the forward bomb bay. Pilot, Capalbo, threw Rundbaken out the bomb bay, but his chute was too badly burned to have saved him. The nose gunner, Cpl. Richard McGuire was out of his turret and on the flight deck with the radio man. Bomber exploded. 3 men died in this action - Rundbaken, McGuire, Villars. Frederick Hughes evaded capture and was covered by a Czech family until the end of the war.
Courtesy of Jan Mahr
Lt. Frederick B. Capalbo