Galvan - #78-2
Standing L-R: Smyth, Frederick C. 'Fred' (N); Maggard, Oliver Jr. (CP); Kussler, Edward A. (B); Galvan, Robert A. (P)
Kneeling L-R: Stacks, Purvis L. (E/LWG); Wilhite, Roy B. (RO/RWG); Lyons, Thomas S. 'Tom' (TT); Stevenson, Thomas E. (NG); Jones, Albert G. (BG); Piccoli, Arthur C. (TG)
AAF# | Type | Group | Sq | Sq# | Nickname |
41-28913 | B-24H | 461 | 767 | 67 | Unknown |
PILOT: 1st Lt. Robert A. Galvan, San Antonio, TX., Single
MISSIONS: Unknown (12)
LAST SIGHTED: 1200, Muglitz 49-47'N 16-56'E
WHERE: Crash landed - Roznava, Slovakia
#67 flying in #2 position, lead flight Navigator, 2nd Lt. Frederick C. Smith, "We were ten minutes, 20 miles south of Odertal when fighters hit us." S/Sgt. Robert F. Miller (tail gunner - lead ship in formation, "67 took a hit in the #3 engine from an FW-190. #3 engine burst into flames, bomber pulled off and dropped away. Sgt. Piccoli though wounded smothered fire in tail section with his body. Entire crew returned to States.