Walters - #63
Enhanced by Gerry Kersey
Standing L-R: Smith, Cecil (N); Lepic, Otto A. (B); Walters, Robert W. (P); Fitzpatrick, John P. (CP)
Squatting L-R: Beversluis, Peter (E/G); Helms, Jeffery C. (TG); Cheek, Dennis M. (RO); Ashbrook, Walter J. (NG); Lucas, Francis J. (BG); Farrel, Edward [KIA]
This crew flew 51 missions - the last one being on 21 July 1944. Their aircraft was #63, Malfunction Sired by Ford. They brought this aircraft with them from California to Italy and flew all their missions in the same aircraft.
Standing L-R: Lepic, Otto A. (B); Smith, Cecil (N); Fitzpatrick, John P. (CP); Walters, Robert W. (P); Cheek, Dennis M. (RO)
Squatting L-R: Tyler, George N.; Ashbrook, Walter J. (NG); Vargo, Charles; Lucas, Francis J. (BG); Helms, Jeffery C. (TG)
Standing L-R: Beversluis, Peter (E/G); Walters, Robert W. (P); Fitzpatrick, John P. (CP); Lucas, Francis J. (BG); Smith, Cecil (N)
Squatting L-R: Farrel, Edward [KIA]; Cheek, Dennis M. (RO); Ashbrook, Walter J. (NG); Lepic, Otto A. (B)
Courtesy of Jessie Cheek
Dennis Cheek in plane #63 returning from a mission to Ploesti, Romania.
Courtesy of Jessie Cheek
Model of plane #63 made by Francis Lucas.