461st plaque

461st Bombardment Group (H)

764th Crews 765th Crews 766th Crews 767th Crews

 Alexander - #11-2  Arnholt - #155  Baird - #3-1  Baker - #84-0  Batenic - #3-3  Bean - #3  Beson - #86R  Blanchard - #2  Bloxom - #4887  Bock - #10-1  Boozer - #17-1  Britton - #2  Brown - #18R  Brown - #  Burton - #8  Carlisle - #5-  Clay - #88R  Crumbo - #151  Dughi - #6-1  Emmert - #5628  Freeman - #1  Fuller - #05  Garrett - #16-2 (152)  Gilbert - #2R-2  Gilley - #4/16  Hefling - #09  Herrin - #17-1  Inskeep - #85R  Johnson - #4/7  Kollenborn - #4  Kursel - #6-1  Lalewicz - #85  Lightbody - #97R  Lively - #18/99  Longino - #116  Lucas - #5  McGoey - #8R  Miller - #1-1  Mitchell - #12  Nahkunst - #13-2  Oliver - #15-1  Olson - #4/16-6  Parsonson - #14-3  Petty - #1/6  Powell - #4-2  Rathfelder - #16-3  Rosenberg - #4887  Ross - #115R  Russell - #19-0  Rutter - #7/3  Ryder - #17  Sargent - #98R  Saur - #17-2  Sayre - #13  Schultz - #3-1  Skalomenos - #136  Sklansky - #9-1  Smith - #3-2  Souther - #12-1  Spehalski - #87R-2  Spencer - #5-1  Steele - #16  Stephens - #14  Stevens - #1  Stevens - #4-3  Stitch - #4983  Taylor - #10/31  Tetzlaff - #129  Tiffany - #2-1  Toothman - #13-3  Trenner - #18  Turner - #14-2  Underwood - #7-1  Veiluva - #07  Vilesis - #100R  Wallace - #11  Wastman - #10  Weber - #19-2  Weir - #06  Wilson - #15  Wyllie - #11-1  Young - #15

Spehalski - #87R-2

MACR #13192

Spehalski crew #87R-2

Courtesy of George Leasure

Standing L-R: Josephson, Abraham (B); Spehalski, Raymon E. (P); Dallas, Christ (CP); Leasure, George A. (N)

Kneeling L-R: Farley, George D. (TG); Moran, Henry L. (BTG); Leghner, Walter E. (E/G); Keller, Albert L. Jr. (WG); Todd, Stanley E. (NG); Rayburn, John R. (RO/G)

Raymond Spehalski

Courtesy of Becky York

Raymond Spehalski, Pilot

Stanley Todd

Courtesy of Becky York

Stanley Todd (NG) after he was liberated from Stalag VII-A in Moosburg, Germany in 1945.


Courtesy of Chuck Parsonson

V-Mail from Dwight Olson to Ernest Parsonson