Spehalski - #87R-2
Courtesy of George Leasure
Standing L-R: Josephson, Abraham (B); Spehalski, Raymon E. (P); Dallas, Christ (CP); Leasure, George A. (N)
Kneeling L-R: Farley, George D. (TG); Moran, Henry L. (BTG); Leghner, Walter E. (E/G); Keller, Albert L. Jr. (WG); Todd, Stanley E. (NG); Rayburn, John R. (RO/G)
Courtesy of Becky York
Raymond Spehalski, Pilot
Courtesy of Becky York
Stanley Todd (NG) after he was liberated from Stalag VII-A in Moosburg, Germany in 1945.
Courtesy of Chuck Parsonson
V-Mail from Dwight Olson to Ernest Parsonson