461st plaque

461st Bombardment Group (H)

764th Crews 765th Crews 766th Crews 767th Crews

 Alexander - #11-2  Arnholt - #155  Baird - #3-1  Baker - #84-0  Batenic - #3-3  Bean - #3  Beson - #86R  Blanchard - #2  Bloxom - #4887  Bock - #10-1  Boozer - #17-1  Britton - #2  Brown - #18R  Brown - #  Burton - #8  Carlisle - #5-  Clay - #88R  Crumbo - #151  Dughi - #6-1  Emmert - #5628  Freeman - #1  Fuller - #05  Garrett - #16-2 (152)  Gilbert - #2R-2  Gilley - #4/16  Hefling - #09  Herrin - #17-1  Inskeep - #85R  Johnson - #4/7  Kollenborn - #4  Kursel - #6-1  Lalewicz - #85  Lightbody - #97R  Lively - #18/99  Longino - #116  Lucas - #5  McGoey - #8R  Miller - #1-1  Mitchell - #12  Nahkunst - #13-2  Oliver - #15-1  Olson - #4/16-6  Parsonson - #14-3  Petty - #1/6  Powell - #4-2  Rathfelder - #16-3  Rosenberg - #4887  Ross - #115R  Russell - #19-0  Rutter - #7/3  Ryder - #17  Sargent - #98R  Saur - #17-2  Sayre - #13  Schultz - #3-1  Skalomenos - #136  Sklansky - #9-1  Smith - #3-2  Souther - #12-1  Spehalski - #87R-2  Spencer - #5-1  Steele - #16  Stephens - #14  Stevens - #1  Stevens - #4-3  Stitch - #4983  Taylor - #10/31  Tetzlaff - #129  Tiffany - #2-1  Toothman - #13-3  Trenner - #18  Turner - #14-2  Underwood - #7-1  Veiluva - #07  Vilesis - #100R  Wallace - #11  Wastman - #10  Weber - #19-2  Weir - #06  Wilson - #15  Wyllie - #11-1  Young - #15

Rathfelder - #16-3

Rathfelder crew #16-3

Thanks to Mary Lou Hall

Standing L-R: Marvin, Thomas S. 'Tom' (B); Brasch, Benjamin F. 'Ben' (N); Rathfelder, Marvin W. (P); Miner, Roger L. (CP)

Kneeling L-R: Quigley, Walter B. 'Walt' (RO/WG); Eberlein, Joseph J. 'Joe' (TG); Gilbert, Robert G. 'Bob' (BG); Pecesky, Edward 'Ed' (NG); George, James J. Jr. 'Jim' (TT); Salyers, Earnest E. (E/WG)


Thanks to Mary Lou Hall

Unknown, Thomas S. Marvin, Unknown

Thomas Marvin

Thanks to Mary Lou Hall

Thomas S. Marvin

#11 in Dakar

Courtesy of Robert Gilbert (BTG)

This is the aircraft this crew flew back to the States.  I cannot find anything indicating it belonged to the 461st.  According to Bob, it was named 'Cherokee' and they referred to it as 'Old Cherokee'.  The nose art is of an indian maiden.  The interesting thing about this aircraft is that it was painted olive drab indicating that it was an original aircraft and not a replcement.  This photo was taken in Dakar.


Courtesy of Robert Gilbert (BTG)

A group of men gathered next to #11 to tell tales during the layover in Dakar.  Robert Gilbert (BTG) is standing at the far right.  Can anyone identify the other men?

In Memory of #11

Our Trip Home

Robert Gilbert

Courtesy of the Gilbert family

Robert G. Gilbert (BG)

Robert G. Gilbert