461st plaque

461st Bombardment Group (H)

764th Crews 765th Crews 766th Crews 767th Crews

 Alexander - #11-2  Arnholt - #155  Baird - #3-1  Baker - #84-0  Batenic - #3-3  Bean - #3  Beson - #86R  Blanchard - #2  Bloxom - #4887  Bock - #10-1  Boozer - #17-1  Britton - #2  Brown - #18R  Brown - #  Burton - #8  Carlisle - #5-  Clay - #88R  Crumbo - #151  Dughi - #6-1  Emmert - #5628  Freeman - #1  Fuller - #05  Garrett - #16-2 (152)  Gilbert - #2R-2  Gilley - #4/16  Hefling - #09  Herrin - #17-1  Inskeep - #85R  Johnson - #4/7  Kollenborn - #4  Kursel - #6-1  Lalewicz - #85  Lightbody - #97R  Lively - #18/99  Longino - #116  Lucas - #5  McGoey - #8R  Miller - #1-1  Mitchell - #12  Nahkunst - #13-2  Oliver - #15-1  Olson - #4/16-6  Parsonson - #14-3  Petty - #1/6  Powell - #4-2  Rathfelder - #16-3  Rosenberg - #4887  Ross - #115R  Russell - #19-0  Rutter - #7/3  Ryder - #17  Sargent - #98R  Saur - #17-2  Sayre - #13  Schultz - #3-1  Skalomenos - #136  Sklansky - #9-1  Smith - #3-2  Souther - #12-1  Spehalski - #87R-2  Spencer - #5-1  Steele - #16  Stephens - #14  Stevens - #1  Stevens - #4-3  Stitch - #4983  Taylor - #10/31  Tetzlaff - #129  Tiffany - #2-1  Toothman - #13-3  Trenner - #18  Turner - #14-2  Underwood - #7-1  Veiluva - #07  Vilesis - #100R  Wallace - #11  Wastman - #10  Weber - #19-2  Weir - #06  Wilson - #15  Wyllie - #11-1  Young - #15

Souther - #12-1

Souther crew

Courtesy of Samuel Galbreath

Kenneth McClelland is squatting on the right.

Souther, Hubert W., Pilot

Griswold, Cholett, Co-Pilot

Chaklos, John F., Navigator

Wagg, James D., Bombardier

Andrues, Hershel R., Radio Operator/Gunner

Henley, Louie C., Gunner

Knoll, George R., Gunner

Lowery, Ernest O., Engineer/Gunner

McClelland, Kenneth E., Gunner

Meincke, William A., Gunner

Smith, Marlin R., Gunner


Office of the Operations Officer

APO 520                US ARMY

9 April 1945


I certify that T/Sgt HERSHEL R. ANDRUES, 19162238, has completed the following sorties with dates, time, and targets below.

3 Aug 1944 7:00 Ober Raderach, Austria
6 Aug 1944 8:00 Miramas, France
9 Aug 1944 7:15 Almasferzito, Hungary
12 Aug 1944 Aborted Genoa, Italy
13 Aug 1944 6:30 Genoa, Italy
17 Aug 1944 8:30 Ploesti, Rumania
18 Aug 1944 6:00 Alibunar,, Yugoslavia
22 Aug 1944 7:00 Lobau, Austria
23 Aug 1944 7:30 Markersdorf, Austria
26 Aug 1944 8:15 Bucharest, Rumania
28 Aug 1944 7:00 Szolnok, Hungary
2 Sept 1944 5:30 Mitrovica, Yugoslavia
5 Sept 1944 6:15 Sava, Yugoslavia
10 Sept 1944 8:00 Lyons, France
12 Sept 1944 9:15 Lyons, France
17 Sept 1944 9:15 Lyons, France
24 Sept 1944 6:15 Athens, Greece
10 Oct 1944 6:00 Veneto, Italy
13 Oct 1944 8:30 Vienna, Austria
14 Oct 1944 7:30 Bratislava, Czechoslovakia
16 Oct 1944 8:00 Linz, Germany
20 Oct 1944 8:00 Milan, Italy
2 Dec 1944 8:00 Blechhammer, Germany
8 Dec 1944 6:00 Klagenfurt, Germany
11 Dec 1944 8:00 Vienna, Austria
20 Dec 1944 Aborted Linz, Austria
27 Dec 1944 6:00 Venzone, Italy
29 Dec 1944 8:00 Rosenhein, Germany
5 Jan 1945 6:30 Zagreb, Yugoslavia
20 Jan 1945 7:30 Linz, Austria
31 Jan 1945 7:30 Moosbierbaum, Austria
22 Mar 1945 7:30 Vienna, Austria
23 Mar 1945 8:00 Vienna, Austria
24 Mar 1945 7:30 Budejouiec, Czechoslovakia
25 Mar 1945 7:30 Wels, Austria
5 Apr 1945 6:00 Breseia, Italy
8 Apr 1945


Gorizia, Italy

Total number of Combat Sorties, 35;  Total number of Combat flying hours, 255:45.

Captain, Air Corps
Operations Officer

R&R on Capri

Courtesy of Mark Smith

Isle of Capri on the road from Capri to Anacapri. Herbert Souther's crew (#12-1) celebrates after completing 35 missions. Left is S/Sgt. Marlin Smith right Ernest O. Lowery.

Ground personnel

Courtesy of Mark Smith

764th Squadron Ground personnel ready to leave for R&R.

764th medics

Courtesy of Mark Smith

764th Bomb Squadron Medics.

Armament shop

Courtesy of Mark Smith

764th Bomb Squadron Flight line armament shop.

Polesti mission

Courtesy of Mark Smith

Flight on the way to Polesti.

Virgil Woldberg

Courtesy of Mark Smith

Some made it back. Virgil O. Woldberg (Medic) after the War.


Courtesy of Chuck Parsonson

V-Mail from Dwight Olson to Ernest Parsonson